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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A little inspiration...

I came across this video this morning from a local church here in town, and all I can muster up to describe how beautiful this story is, is tears...lots and lots of tears.

Below you will find a beautiful, yet heart-wrenching story of a little girl named Serena who is battling a very complicated and debilitating disease. My heart aches as I listen to this little girl talk of her life and all she's been through already at such a young age. But her spirit and faith in God left me with a sense of peace, and a yearning to continue trusting and believing in the Lord through tough circumstances.

I may not know what you're going through, but I only pray that after you are finished watching this 12 minute testimony, that peace comes over you and that you may know that there is hope and happiness in Christ. I hope Serena's faith inspires you to believe for yourself of the miracles that are possible through our God. *If you think about skipping out early before the full 12ish minutes are up, you will be sorry. Just saying.
Be blessed by this:

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