November for the Moore's has consisted, and will consist of the following:
*Jeremy got a new job
*Purchased a new used vehicle (he desperately needed)
*Went on an early anniversary vacation to the mountains
*I began volunteering at a free health clinic in town (which, holy crap, I was supposed to be present at 30 minutes ago..Well there's a great way to start out!)
*Leaving to go to Jacksonville next week for Thanksgiving
*Plotting my plans for my homemade Christmas gifts (which I also did last year, and I saved so much money and was so proud of my new-found craftiness, I decided to go at it again this year)
Okay, so it doesn't look as whirlwind-ish on screen, but add that to all the other daily things, and my heart starts to race a little. The two out of town trips are the kickers for us. But, however, this kind of business is my favorite kind. I love the upcoming holidays. I love the decor, the foods, the smells, the time spent with family and friends, all the different coffees =) Makes for a happy me.
As wonderful as they are, holidays can be difficult, though, for Jeremy and I (well more so me, but I know it's difficult for him in a different way). Anyone who has ever waited for a baby knows the familiar ache I'm talking about. Lots of babies are having their very first Thanksgiving, and Christmas, and New Years...opening their very first present, or wearing their way-too-cute, specially bought Christmas dresses or little man suits. We watch it happening all around us. It's so special, and I'm grateful to be able to witness the little lives around me, but that empty place inside cries out especially during these times.
And so I welcome the business. It sort of takes my mind off those things, and allows me to focus on what we do have. We'll be celebrating our 2 year wedding anniversary next month, right before Christmas, and we'll be celebrating for the first time in our new home. We'll have our first Christmas tree together, and I plan to soak up every second of time together, decorating, cooking, and making memories that one day we will get to share with a tiny little thing, swaddled up tightly in a warm snowman blankie...maybe even wearing the worlds tiniest Mr. or Mrs. Claus suit...and I may or may not have a cd player blaring Christmas tunes from said little one's nursery...and I may or may not have plans to dress us all in holiday sweaters and have professional photos taken..and those photos may or may not grace our entry way...
Ok, so I got a little carried away..
Anyway, we don't know if that's what Christmas will look like for us when we have a baby, but my point is, hubby and I have to make the most of these times so that one day when our child is with us, we look back on happy times of Mom and Dad together. For us, as I've said before, that doesn't mean the ache isn't there. We just have to choose for ourselves what the best way to deal with that ache is...and for us that means to hold each other close, and love each other more than ever.

1 comment:
hey you better get to the health clinic today now, don't forget :) haha! You crack me up and I love you!!! wait or as my husband might say "I could see Jessica and I becoming good friends" hahah! uhm ok thanks!
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