Today is Mother's Day. It is bittersweet for me. Sweet because I feel like a mother in my heart. Bitter because I'm lacking physical evidence of my own child. In my most recent devotion from my book, the author suggests writing a letter to your unborn child(ren). It may seem kind of silly, but she says it's just another small way of affirming and believing against what I (or you) am experiencing. It's like saying, "No, I don't have a child YET. But I know it's going to happen, I believe it's going to happen, and until it happens, I am going to move forward in anticipation for that child." I got excited when I read this. It sparked that hope inside of me. So I decided to go through with it. Not to mention, one day when I am staring into the eyes of my little one, I can look back on this letter and read it to him or her and tell of how much Mommy looked forward to their creation. So today on Mother's Day, I am celebrating the mother's love I have inside for my child that will one day be.
Dear child,
I love you so much, and I don't even know you yet. You haven't even been created yet, but I know that God has you specially hand picked for your Daddy and I. Every day I pray for you along with so many people who are longing to meet you. Sometimes I sit and imagine you coming into this world and how many people will be present to celebrate after waiting so long for you. I cannot wait to know of your existence inside of me. I promise to feed you well and take care of you the best I can while you are inside my belly. I promise to talk to you and sing to you everyday. I will cherish your presence in my womb. You already have a wonderful Daddy, and he is just as excited for you as I am. He loves you just like I do. We talk about you all the time. We talk about what your name will be, and we have very special names picked out for you depending on if you are a girl or a boy. We are already working on your room. It is a difficult task for Mommy & Daddy because we want to go ahead and fill it up with pink or blue, but we are having to stay gender neutral for right now until that very special day when we find out what you will be. But we are patiently awaiting, and enjoying the knowing that you already have a room. Every day I wonder what you will look like. I know you are going the be the most beautiful thing my eyes have ever witnessed. I wonder if you will have curly hair like your Daddy or blue eyes like mine. You have so many people here on Earth who love you so much already. You have grandmas who can't wait to meet you and ask me regularly if I am pregnant with you yet. You have grandpas too, and aunts & uncles, and lots and lots of cousins!
We can't wait to take care of you. There are going to be so many memories that we will make together. Mommy and Daddy have so much that we want to show you, and so many places and things we want you to see. I can't wait to feed you and change your diapers, even the ones where you leave us stinky surprises. I can't wait for the long nights when you will cry and just want to be held. I want to hold you and tell you how special you are. I'll probably cry with you. We want to teach you and watch you grow up. We long for you. And even though we'll be your parents, we know that you truly belong to God. We dedicate you to Him already.
We love you, little one. Thank you for being my child. And when God graces my womb with your presence, promise me that you will stay strong to be a healthy little baby. We look forward to life with you.

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