Those four days of vacation just reminded me of how important Jeremy is to me. It kind of dawned on me how easy it is for me to lose focus and importance of my husband in going through what WE are going through. I get so caught up in our journey that I forget, and sometimes down right ignore his thoughts and feelings. I get so caught up that I don't enjoy what God has placed before me. And that is an incredibly amazing, sweet, tender heart-ed & loving man who loves me beyond what I can imagine. He loves me..just as God loves me. And that is deep. Much deeper than what I have dared to even think of lately. I admit that it is so easy for me to lose sight of what is important through these struggles. I forget that one day when we're standing on the other side of this, and we've beat infertility, it's not going to be just myself and a baby. My husband is going to be there with me, and our marriage should take priority first after my relationship with my Savior. After all, it's not just me with this undying desire to have a's my husband's desire too.
I forget to express my love to him daily. I forget that he needs and wants my attention like I need and want his. I forget to pray for him like he prays for me. I forget to make him feel important like he makes me feel important. I forget that I didn't choose him...God chose him for me. He specifically set Jeremy apart for me. I make light of the fact that he is my husband. Such a heavy thing. He is my husband. My partner through life. My beloved.
So here is to rekindling that love with my man. Here is to remembering where we came from seven years ago, and seeing what God has brought us into together. Here is to being that Proverbs 31 wife that I know I am called to be.

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