First up, I wanted something cute to display Christmas cards on as we begin to get them in the mail. I saw a couple of cute ideas on-line, but wouldn't you know my husband came up with this idea when he spotted these cute little wooden letters in Hobby Lobby on a recent trip. I loved it and ran with it. Here is the result:

I need to decorate that table up a little more, but I thought it was so cute! I can't wait to put actual Christmas cards there =) Another perk from doing this project: our back porch now sparkles as if someone threw up glitter out there, thanks to the lovely glitter spray paint! Pair me with a couple cans of spray paint, and that's quite a disastrous combo! Enough of that, though, on to project #2!
You know that tree skirt I was saying I wanted to make? Well, behold:

Again, I love it. It took me 5 days, but it's done! I'm happy, husband likes it, and I know that glue gun is! Now if I could just keep the dogs away from it, we will really be doing good =)
I don't know what has gotten into me with all these projects. I've never been into this kind of stuff before, but I guess seeing what some of my friends have made, and realizing how inexpensive it is to make my own stuff, I've just become inspired. I have to say it has been a sort of therapy for me. It's definitely kept me busy. I have found a creative side to myself that I like, and it takes my mind off of those things throughout the day that could lead to a negative place. As I've said before, holiday seasons can be very difficult for me, and have taken a miserable toll in the past. But this year, however, I'm determined for it to be different. Focusing on the good things: I am blessed, I am loved, and then turning around and doing things for others.
Going through this journey of infertility, people will give you their "Oh, poor you" stuff from time to time, but I say this year, I'm gonna keep a good perspective, I'm gonna love hard and enjoy moments, and I'm gonna craft my brains out! Then, the only thing left to pity will be my poor glue gun! Haha!

Love it especially the HOHOHO christmas card holder :) So adorable!! And I see my cute babyJ up there, don't worry a christmas card will be in the mail soon as I get the picture taken haha!! I'm a slacker!
I think you are doing awesome!!! No more stealing :) Can't wait to see more!
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