The song below has made quite a comfortable spot in my heart recently. Despite any trial, or sorrow, or attack that comes in life, we have already won. It's okay to feel down, but we are not defeated! I may not have any answers, and I might feel like a mess at the moment, but I choose to rejoice and trust in the One who already won the battle for me...the One who conquered death and completed the impossible. God Be Praised!
You saved my life from death
When I was all but defeated
You spoke Your promises
And brought life to my weakness
Came as a conquering King
And You warred for my freedom
My soul can’t help but sing
You opened up my eyes
For the first time I saw You
Your love commanding life
And deserving devotion
You told me who I am
Now in faith I believe it
My soul can’t help but sing
You’ve made a place for me
Silenced all my accusers
Leading me forth with peace
Filled with joy I will follow
Your cross demands my life
Now Your grace is my anthem
My soul can’t help but sing
Hallelujah, we’re redeemed and made free
By the blood of the Lamb We have won
Hallelujah, we will sing victory
Jesus conquered the grave
God be praised

1 comment:
oh, girl. I know right where you are at. Michael and I were there about a month ago, and we had to seriously look at some things to cut out from our lives in order to keep from becoming physically drained which then causes emotional and spiritual drain. It is a rough place to be in.
But God is working, still.
I know the money requirements for adoption seem daunting. But I fully believe that God has led you to adoption, and He will see it through. God leads all of us down different paths, and He has never failed to see anyone through it, ever. I am claiming that you will receive all and then some of the money needed.
Love you girl!
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