Without gender or racial/cultural preferences, we have decided to pursue a domestic infant adoption. With this type of adoption, our profile information will be sent out all over the country for expectant parents to view, and God willing, decide for us to be the adoptive parents for their baby. There are so many details that are involved after that, but our hope and prayer is to have an open adoption. We want to know the beautiful soul who selflessly chooses a better life for their child. We want to have the opportunity to be there for them, and give them the opportunity to still be a part of the child's life. We want to acknowledge them for who they are, and the mother and/or father they will always be. We want to raise our child with the knowledge of how they came into this world, and how God brought them to us, and we want to provide the freedom for them to someday find their birthparent(s) if they don't know them already. I know this can be risky, and we are putting ourselves and our hearts out there, but we wouldn't want it any other way. It is important to us and our hopes for our child, and it is a risk we are willing to take.
That's about it for now. Like I said, I wish I could say that much more has taken place, but I have to remember that even in times of waiting, or when it seems like nothing is happening, God is still moving and working. He is still working.

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